In brief
Programme purpose: The programmes supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) are aligned with the Global Agenda goals to reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and impact from disasters; to reduce the number of deaths, illnesses and impact from diseases and public health emergencies; to increase local community, civil society and Red Cross Red Crescent capacity to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability; and to reduce intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion and promote respect for diversity and human dignity.
Programme summary: In the field of disaster management, the National Society with support from IFRC enhanced the disaster preparedness and response capacity of its disaster management centres and branch offices. The vulnerability of communities in high-risk areas to disasters has been reduced as a result of increasing people's awareness via public awareness information materials, conducting contests, competitions and educational campaigns.
In health and care the focus was on HIV prevention, harm reduction, health education sessions for the population including TB patients and TB contacts1, and on improving the access of the population to pure drinking water and sanitation.
The year 2009 saw a number of commitments by the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan and activities aimed directly at achieving the goals set out in the National Society Development Strategy 2008-2012. The society continued its work on lobbying for the Red Crescent law in the parliament. In January 2010, the Law was adopted by the Parliament.
In December 2009, the Red Crescent Society underwent an external audit for the fiscal year 2008 and the results were shared with all partner National Societies. This is a major step in increasing the National Society's accountability to its partners. In line with the audit recommendations, the National Society continued its work on the development of a financial policy and procedures.
Financial situation: The initial budget for 2009 was CHF 1,697,623. It was revised to CHF 2,009,260 (USD 1,871,023 or EUR 1,372,927), of which 90 per cent covered. Overall expenditure is 83 per cent against the funds received. The budget was increased due to additional funds received from the Finnish Red Cross for disaster preparedness and from the Swedish Red Cross for the winterization project, as well as the late contribution of Norwegian Red Cross that arrived in November 2009 and will be further spent in 2010.